Queensland ARMS FAIRS

This site is dedicated to the Arms Fairs held in Queensland. Overall, there are Seven Arms Fairs and countless other antiques shows around Queensland each year. Queensland Arms Fairs maintains a front line for our state promotions. Aims of the shows are Preservation, Education and the Collection of History. Dont get Gun expo's and arms fairs confused, Expos etc are only concerned with their profit. They tend not to represent collectors and private dealers. .
Historical societies and private collectors have a strong and welcome presence. It's not uncommon to see flintlocks, matchlocks, muskets, percussion cap pistols, obsolete calibre and pinfire arms on sale or display. Many such historic firearms can be purchased without a Weapons License. Some of the Largest collections of Historic and Modern Arms can be viewed at these events.
Queensland Arms Fairs commenced in Brisbane at Watkins Place and the Police Youth Club in the Valley in the 1970's then at the Downey Park Table Tennis Centre. Fairs then moved around Brisbane, including Redbank, Ipswich Belmont before returning to the John Reid Pavilion 2021. The area around the venue has dramatically transformed. Restaurants, coffee shops and high rises are more common now. Many old arms dealers from the 1970's have long gone but the interest remains strong with collectors and history buffs. Over 200 tables will be available at this venue.
The Gympie Bower Birds also holding their event at the Racecourse
It's not just about guns.
These shows offer antiques and Swords, Bayonets, Knives
and collectable sas part of the shows. Hard to get parts and
components, books, expert advice modern sporting items and
edged weapons are always available.
Modern and hard to get Ammunition can be sourced.
One dealer stocking over 150 calibres.
​Militaria including uniforms patches, helmets, Holsters,
webbing are available from a number of dealers.
International Experts and Product releases
are very common. Have you seen the Movie "The Hurt Locker"
we have the read deal with international bomb disposal technicians
and Ordnance Experts
​Vintage arms collections play a big part of the events.
Collections of Colt and Australian Arms are
frequently on display.
Remember that GOOGLE does not know everything!
Books are a common items at these shows.
They Don't require Power and don't need a
the Internet to work
Ian Skennerton, an internationally recognised author attends our shows. Paul Fowkes has now published a new book on Arms identification and regularly conducts training courses. The new book available at the show.
Many of our dealers are Veterans. Including SAS Bomb technicians and front line soldiers. They always have a good yarn to tell.
Tables bookings can be made direct the contact page. Collectors Exhibits, Commercial and Private Dealers are welcome.
Legislation Changes
License Verification
Get used to it - Produce your weapons License for verification every time. Dealers will soon have to verify your license online.
Check that license here. Or search License verification
Knife legislation
New Knife legislation is now in place. Unless you are buying a plastic butter knife - then you must and be able to prove that you are 18. Dealers follow the sales guide on the left of the screen
The Worlds best
Gun Oils (we think so anyway)
Want to sell your Private firearms at an Arms Fair - New Requirements
Weapons Licensing are suggesting they will impose a new condition. All persons wanting to have private sales (ie from a shooters license) must register with the Arms Fair 7 Days Prior to the Event. Currently most license conditions do not permit this to occur.
The link to open form is attached. Click here to go to page. Email the form back.
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